112 research outputs found


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    Glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) arriving after the fishing season in the Vilaine estuary (France) were caught by boat and at a trapping ladder located at a blocking dam upstream in the estuary. They were marked with Bismarck brown, rhodamine B or neutral red, and released into the estuary. The effect of marking on behaviour, mortality and recapture differed according to the dye and concentration used. The glass eels also differed in response to marking according to their origin. Estuarine glass eels were clearly desynchronized in their selective tidal stream transport and left the release area after a few tidal cycles. Trapped glass eels were less sensitive to marking. They remained in the release area and were recaptured in larger number both in the trapping ladder and in the estuary. These results supported a model of two behavioral fractions in the estuary: flow-carried migrants and active glass eels with stronger rheotactic behaviour. The proportion of active glass eels in the estuary shifted from none for the two weeks after the fishery closure, to 10% value of the total stock. At the trapping ladder, the migration ended in June each year, while a large stock was still present in the estuary. These observations favour the interpretation of a short duration of the active phase at this site followed by the transition towards a more benthic behavior. The daily efficiency of the trapping ladder was calculated as 4% of the active stock from both stock estimations and average recapture rate. This value was consistent with the low annual efficiency of the trapping ladder, calculated as 30% of the estuarine stock of glass eels that arrived after the fishing season

    Diffusion in Model Networks as Studied by NMR and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

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    We have studied the diffusion of small solvent molecules (octane) and larger hydrophobic dye probes in octane-swollen poly(dimethyl siloxane) linear-chain solutions and end-linked model networks, using pulsed-gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), respectively, focusing on diffusion in the bulk polymer up to the equilibrium degree of swelling of the networks, that is, 4.8 at most. The combination of these results allows for new conclusions on the feasibility of different theories describing probe diffusion in concentrated polymer systems. While octane diffusion shows no cross-link dependence, the larger dyes are increasingly restricted by fixed chemical meshes. The simple Fujita free-volume theory proved most feasible to describe probe diffusion in linear long-chain solutions with realistic parameters, while better fits were obtained assuming a stretched exponential dependence on concentration. Importantly, we have analyzed the cross-link specific effect on probe diffusion independently of any specific model by comparing the best-fit interpolation of the solution data with the diffusion in the networks. The most reasonable description is obtained by assuming that the cross-link effect is additive in the effective friction coefficient of the probes. The concentration dependences as well as the data compared at the equilibrium degrees of swelling indicate that swelling heterogeneities and diffusant shape have a substantial influence on small-molecule diffusion in networks.

    Etude préliminaire de la reproduction des aloses en 1995 entre TuiliÚre et Mauzac sur la Dordogne

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    Depuis sa mise en service en 1987, la passe Ă  poissons de Mauzac sur la Dordogne fait l'objet chaque annĂ©e, de suivis d'efficacitĂ© vis-Ă -vis des principales espĂšces de migrateurs. Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, les meilleurs passages d'aloses obtenus Ă  Mauzac n'excĂšdent pas 30 Ă  40 % du stock franchissant l'ascenseur Ă  poissons de tuiliĂšres, situĂ© Ă  15 km Ă  l'aval. Comme par ailleurs, ces rĂ©sultats sont difficilement obtenus au prix de l'arrĂȘt du groupe adjacent Ă  la passe, pĂ©nalisant l'exploitation, une Ă©tude des conditions de fraie des aloses bloquĂ©es entre les deux sites, a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cidĂ©e par EDF - Ă©nergie Aquitaine - dte parallĂšlement Ă  celle de l'efficacitĂ© de la passe de Mauzac, menĂ©e par EDF - dtg. malgrĂ© son lancement tardif, cette Ă©tude s'attache Ă  estimer le potentiel d'accueil sur ce tronçon de riviĂšre, et Ă  dĂ©crire les conditions dans lesquelles la fraie a eu lieu, et son dĂ©roulement en fonction des passages Ă  Mauzac


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    Les anguilles prĂ©levĂ©es dans cinq zones de salinitĂ© variable du littoral de Bretagne sud, ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©es pour leur infestation prĂ©sente et passĂ©e par le parasite Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda, dracunculoidea). Les anguilles vivant dans des milieux peu salĂ©s au contact de la zone dulçaquicole sont trĂšs contaminĂ©es avec des prĂ©valences supĂ©rieures Ă  90%, dont 61% concernent des prĂ©valences prĂ©sentes. Par contre, celles vivant dans des conditions estuariennes (Golfe du Morbihan) sont relativement Ă©pargnĂ©es avec des prĂ©valences de l’ordre de 15%, dont en moyenne moins de la moitiĂ© concernent des prĂ©valences prĂ©sentes. La salinitĂ© des baies et des estuaires semble donc pouvoir prĂ©server de la contamination les populations d’anguilles cĂŽtiĂšres dont la gestion devient un enjeu prioritaire pour le stock d’anguilles
